“Come ,on hurry up..it’s late…” … “Fratelli..D’Italia…l’Italia se destà… e…”…“ohhh damn it’s starting, they are singing,”… “ singing???… who knows the words?”, “so where we going?”, “dunno, I’m starving, it’s eight, haven’t had dinner” let’s go to Ferrari or Hogan’s”… “ohh mio Dio, there are people everywhere, no room, I told you we should have left sooner” …“let’s go to Giardini Carducci, there should be a big screen there…. “aaaiiiaaahhhhhhhh…..calcio gia d’inizio, sbrigati!!!”…. 2 hours
later…we are not hungry anymore…too anxious…
“siamo ai rigori”…penalty kicks…“ohh my gosh, my heart is racing…I can’t watch anymore….” GOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!! CAMPIONI DEL MONDO…ITALIA…CAMPIONE DEL MONDOOOOOOOO !!!!