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Student Workshop Highlights Human Rights

Ubuntu blog 1 On Tuesday afternoon, study abroad students in PSEU 340: Politics and Economics of the European Union participated in a workshop at Ubuntu Centro Immigrazione, a local center for immigrants in Perugia. Directors at the center led a discussion with both the students as well as recent immigrants about cultural adjustment. Students had the unique opportunity to hear personal stories from those present (in over three different languages).Ubuntu blog 2

This workshop served as an introduction to a more extensive service learning project that the students, under the direction of professor Giordana Pulcini, will be undertaking throughout the semester. This project aims to explore the ways in which EU fundamental human rights impact the lives of those who move to the region. Students will be “rewriting” the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union for the center as a way to reflect the cultural experiences of immigrants in Perugia.

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