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Remote Internship: Social Media & Digital Communications Internship


Positions Available: Remote Assistant for Social Media Marketing and Communication

Partner Organizations: ISI Abroad- The US office for the Umbra Institute and the International Studies Institute in Florence.

Summary of Position:
The Social Media & Digital Communications Intern will help Ashley Ipakchi and ISI Abroad staff members with all public-facing communication from the Institutes with a focus on student life and academic programs. The Intern will help develop and implement a communication and marketing plan that: 1) highlights the curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular work of students; 2) promotes the scholarly accomplishments of faculty; 3) profiles student scholars hosted at the Institutes; 4) analyzes data relative to promotion and academic development of the Institutes; and 5) promotes the Institutes’ academic programs.

Internship Type
Remote, no academic credit, non-compensated

Length of Internship:
Remote internships are flexible but require a minimum of 8 weeks of collaboration (12 weeks or more preferred). 

Supervisor: Ashley Ipakchi, Director of Institutional Relations and Enrollment Management for ISI Abroad

Interns will learn to:
• Communicate with remote teams and manage schedules across multiple time zones.
• Leverage technology in a professional, international work environment. 
Develop and implement marketing strategies – with an emphasis on social media. 
Conduct qualitative research methods and coherently present results. 

Career Readiness Competencies:
Internships serve as an opportunity to develop competencies that will benefit students as they transition from student to professional. ISI Abroad internships are selected and designed to promote student growth in the eight key skill areas defined as career readiness competencies by the U.S. National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE): critical thinking/problem solving; oral/written communications; teamwork/collaboration; digital technology; leadership; professionalism/work ethic; career management; and global/intercultural fluency. 

All interns are expected to work as though they are regular employees of their host organization or company, respecting expectations of productivity, punctuality, neatness, and respect of supervision. This would include proper email etiquette such as using an appropriate subject heading, greeting, complete sentences in the body of each message, and an appropriate sign-off.