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  • Discipline(s): Education Psychology
  • Available: Summer Session II
  • Course Type: Standard Courses
  • Taught in: English
  • Course Fee: $ 75
  • Credits: 3
  • Course Travel: Yes

EDUC/PSYC 354: Critical Disabilities Studies (Summer)

Important Note: This course is cross-listed with PSYC 354. It was formerly CESP 354.

Course Description
In this course, we examine theories and models of critical disability studies from an international and cross-cultural perspective. Through discussion of readings, sharing of experiences, group work, and focused assignments, students increase their understanding of how culture influences our perspectives and behaviours towards disability, as well as reflect on the several approaches underlining the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities into society.

The goal of this course is to foster greater awareness of the experiences of disabled people and reflection on inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the society by assuming a critical perspective. The course is designed for students willing to broaden their cultural perspectives, develop a heightened sense of intercultural awareness and sensitivity, and see different communities from a comparative, global standpoint. Students who commit to this course should keep an open mind, be motivated to actively learn, and be flexible.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the semester, students will be able to:

  1. Explain their knowledge and comprehension of key concepts and theories in critical disability studies;
  2. Respond appropriately when engaging with people with disabilities;
  3. Demonstrate enhanced intercultural competencies and communication skills;
  4. Engage in critical observation, reflection, and thinking.

Course Materials
Course Reader in Pdf