Food and Business class opens “Trattoria Americana”

Nov | 30

Student, faculty, staff and friends eat an American meal at Perugia's Contrappunto. The project was the fruit of over a month of planning. As part of the course, class participants had to come up with a restaurant concept, decide on... Read More
Thanksgiving comes to Perugia

Nov | 25

"Where can you find a turkey in Perugia?" This has been, at least twice, a question asked to the Umbra staff member on the emergency phone, but last night the answer was not "Macelleria Croce in Piazza Matteotti" but rather... Read More
The Guide to Perugia is now live

Nov | 25

The Little Blue What-To-Do, a local free press guide to Perugia just went live online. Two Umbra students, Frances Walsh and Sophie Schechter, were responsible for the editing of the pages that were transferred from paper to the digital version,... Read More
Università di Perugia Students: Study Abroad AmericUmbra

Nov | 23

University for Foreigners Direct Enrollment student Haley Sciola sat down to chat with a few of the Italian Università di Perugia (UP) students involved with Umbra this semester. Umbra’s partnership with UP allows Italian students to ‘study abroad’ at Umbra... Read More
Tandem – Karaoke 2

Nov | 23

It's incredible! It's the first semester that we have done karaoke during Tandem. If you're studying abroad and you want to integrate and learn the language, you need practice. So what a better solution then to do karaoke in Italy!... Read More
Da Vinci Trip to Florence and Milan

Nov | 23

This past weekend, twenty Umbra students and one of their Italian classmates took a whirlwind tour of Florence and Milan with Professor Adrian Hoch’s Leonardo da Vinci course. The first stop in Florence was, fittingly, the historical Bar San Firenze... Read More

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