Trattoria Tortilla: Mexican Food in Perugia, Italy

Mar | 14

Even George is coming down from Como for some Tex-Mex If you've every tried to find Mexican food in Italy -- and especially in Perugia -- you'll know that the offerings are sorely lacking. The students from The Business of... Read More
Stained Glass Magic – Internship and Seminar Abroad

Mar | 12

Don’t be fooled. These aren’t paintings...they're stained glass masterpieces. House museum interns from the INIT 350: Academic Internship and Seminar course explored a small treasure here in Perugia called the Studio Moretti Caselli. Established in 1859, the Studio Moretti Caselli... Read More
Food Studies Program Featured by St. Bonaventure University

Mar | 12

Students studying at the Umbra Institute Food Studies Program were highlighted in a recent SBU news article. The Food Studies program, a new initiative directed by Professor Zachary Nowak, was written up in an article on the Saint Bonaventure website.... Read More
New UmbraViews Video! Monimbo’ Volunteer Opportunity

Mar | 07

We have a new UmbraViews video up! This one, which is also part of the new Community Engagement Video Series (see the other video on the UNICEF volunteer opportunity), details the volunteer opportunity offered to students study abroad in Italy... Read More
Marietta College Junior Megan Mason writes about “embracing the Italian lifestyle”

Mar | 06

"I am in Italy, surrounded by ancient buildings, panoramic views, new people and a new way of life." Marietta College Junior Megan Mason wrote a front-page article for the Marietta newspaper, The Marcolian, about her experience studying abroad in Italy with the... Read More
Study Abroad Nurtures Global Citizenship, Study Says

Feb | 29

The Umbra Institute has long promoted study abroad not only as a fun-filled adventure in exploring another country's culture, but also as a way to become a better global citizen. Today's world, for better or for worse, does not revolve... Read More

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