Student Perspectives: Volunteering with Monimbò

Apr | 12

Both of us Umbra students, Jenna Snelgrove and Emily Pietrzak have always been interested in volunteering.  So when the opportunity came up to volunteer at the local fair trade store, Monimbò, we both jumped at it. Neither of us had... Read More
Preparing to Go Home

Apr | 11

Last night marked this semester's Preparing to Go Home Workshop, an hour long session where students are encouraged by staff and those who've "been there, done that" to enter the mindset of what it will be like to go home.... Read More
Umbra student Amy Larson throws a pie in the oven at the legendary Pizzeria Brandi

Apr | 10

It tells you something when you look up a pizzeria on Wikipedia and it doesn't have its own page, but but appears under the rather larger subheading "History of pizza." This is the case for Pizzeria Brandi, the neopolitan pizzamakers... Read More
Student Blog Post: Melancholy

Apr | 09

The following post was written by current Umbra student Maria Papapietro, who is currently studying in Perugia through CIS. We also recommend highly that you read her entire blog, La Vita è Bella, which gives a honest and positive perspective... Read More
Culture Week in Italy means free museums from April 14-22!

Apr | 04

Once a year, the Italian government drops all entrance fees for state-owned museums in celebration of Italian Culture Week! While lines might be a bit longer at larger museums because of bigger crowds, this is a great opportunity to check... Read More
Ancient City Explorers

Mar | 29

This past weekend, Umbra students from HSRC 330: Roman Civilization and Daily Life trekked through the ancient, and once buried, cities of Pompei, Herculaneum and the Oplontis Villa. Professor Giampiero Bevagna took his students through family homes, stores, arenas, public bath houses,... Read More

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