New Direct Flights from the Perugia Airport!

Mar | 29

Just in time for gorgeous spring weather, the kind people at the newly-renovated and -expanded San Francesco d'Assisi International Airport (also known as the Perugia airport) have decided to grace us with an enormous number of new destinations. Most of... Read More
Crazy for Chocolate

Mar | 28

This week all the Italian classes are visiting the famous Perugina chocolate factory right here in Perugia. During the tour, students learn about the process of chocolate making, the history of Perugina and the origins of the chocolate, the cocoa... Read More
Umbrian Medical Ethics Committee Talks With Umbra Students

Mar | 28

Two members of the Medical Ethics Committee of the Region of Umbria were at the Umbra Institute yesterday to discuss the ethical issues surrounding the definition of life and to present current Italian legislation on living wills. Doctors Linda Richieri... Read More
Roberto, an Italian Umbra alum, on his experience in New York!

Mar | 27

This post is guest-written by Roberto, an Italian engineering and architecture student who studied at Umbra in the spring of 2011 and then spent the following fall in New York.  I spent four months in NYC as a guest of... Read More
Life of a Student Abroad in Italy through a Blog

Mar | 26

An Umbra alum on her return after her experience abroad in Italy creates a blog for her Global Interpersonal Communication class, to talk about her experience studying in Perugia, Italy and to help current and prospective students that make the... Read More
Service Learning Project in Umbria, Italy

Mar | 15

Students from BSEU 390: Business in Europe and BSIM 390: International Marketing have joined forces with the Umbria regional government's Office of Internationalization for an exciting service learning project. The project is based on helping the regional government preserve and promote... Read More

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