Check out the International Journalism Festival

Apr | 26

After you finish your last final and before you take your last group photo at Porta da Sole,  we encourage you to attend one of the many events of the International Journalism Festival.   The five-day festival started Wednesday and... Read More
Mauro Goes to the Post Office: How to Send Packages

Apr | 25

Like many an Umbra student before, you may have gone a little overboard in the souvenir department and find yourself in need of extra suitcase space. Don't worry: Those boots / that leather jacket / those 90 scarves really were... Read More
An Afternoon of Art, Wine, and Appetizers

Apr | 23

Umbra’s studio at Via dei Priori came alive Tuesday afternoon for the art classes’ final show. The hallways buzzed as students, instructors, and staff wandered from exhibit to exhibit, carefully balancing wine and appetizers. One room featured larger-than-life frescoes painted... Read More
Experiencing Italy Through Writing

Apr | 23

Umbra students, faculty, and staff trooped down to l’aula magna – the great hall – of an old monastery in the center of Perugia on April 16 to listen to literary readings by the students of “Italy of the Imagination:... Read More
“When Words Fail”

Apr | 20

This is another post taken from the blog of Umbra student Maria Papapietro, who studies here through the study abroad provider CIS. Her blog, La Vita e' Bella, is a great example of a student's study abroad experience in Italy.... Read More
Food Studies Field Trips: Oil and Wine

Apr | 16

This past week two of the the courses of the Food Studies Programset out to actually see (and eat!) the food that they had been learning about. On Friday the "Business of Food in Italy and Beyond" visited two olive... Read More

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