Pigotta Dolls and Language Exchange at UNICEF

Oct | 03

Umbra students participating in the UNICEF volunteer opportunity are well on their way to completing their handmade Pigotta dolls for adoption.  Each doll that is adopted buys vaccinations for at risk children in other countries.  For two hours each Monday,... Read More
Applications Currently Accepted for Spring 2013 Semester at Umbra

Oct | 02

 “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.... Read More
Food Studies Program visits Dario Cecchini, the “world’s most famous butcher”

Oct | 01

“Sono Dario Cecchini, e ho duecentocinquant’anni (I’m Dario Cecchini, and I’m 250 years old),” joked Dario Cecchini, whom the LA Times calls “the most famous butcher in the world.” Students taking the course on Sustainable Food Production in Italy at the... Read More
Umbra Pizza Night Strikes Again

Sep | 26

“When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s Umbra Pizza Night!” — Dean Martin More than 80 Umbra students, faculty, and staff members descended on La Cambusa for the long-awaited Pizza Night on Tuesday. Because pizza... Read More
Umbra Alum is “World’s Best Father;” Featured on Today Show Fomorrow

Sep | 26

Tune into the Today Show on Thursday morning to watch former Umbra Institute student Dave Engledow, fall 2001, talk about his new, almost darkly whimsical calendar featuring himself with his young daughter, Alice Bee, in comically precarious situations. “His work... Read More
New Food Book by Umbra Visiting Professor

Sep | 21

What do e-grocers, fried Snickers bars at state fairs, and food assembly kitchens have to do with each other? A new book, Culinary Capital, helps us “understand how and why certain foods and food-related practices connote, and by extension, confer status... Read More

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