Dec | 22
The world did not end yesterday, but the Umbra Institute Fall 2012 semester did. The last few weeks have seen Umbra students bustling about school and city, cramming for finals, purchasing token Italian gifts, and soaking in their remaining time... Read MoreDec | 04
After watching his work in “La Meglio Gioventù” for an Umbra Institute class, students attended a lecture by Italy’s beloved actor Luigi Lo Cascio at l’Università per Stranieri di Perugia last week. Umbra Institute student Effie Morway poses with famous... Read MoreNov | 29
During the afternoon on Thanksgiving, the Urban Engagement class worked up an appetite by helping the Borgo Bello Neighborhood Association clean street numbers along Corso Cavour. Alongside Italian volunteers, students took turns climbing the small ladder to scrape the numbered... Read MoreNov | 28
While their friends and family ate turkey back home, the Umbra History and Culture of Food course students celebrated Thanksgiving weekend by eating prosciutto and parmigiano reggiano in the celebrated food capital of Parma, Italy. "Going to Parma during Thanksgiving ... Read MoreNov | 23
“Look — they are really experiencing it,” said Umbra Art History Professor Adrian Hoch, surveying her “Leonardo da Vinci” students’ reaction to the Renaissance artist’s celebrated “The Last Supper.” “What do you think?” she asked as the group filed out... Read MoreNov | 21
This semester, two students in the Contemporary Italy: Culture, Society, and Trends course are participating in the Famiglia Italiana Project. Annie Bodian and Taylor Speranza meet with a local family once a week to participate in their daily life, go... Read More