Food Studies Program and Olive Oil

Nov | 20

Everyone is familiar with the image of a connoisseur pushing wine around in his or her mouth and describing the quality and the "notes" of this and that in it. Umbra Institute students learned to do the same last week during a workshop... Read More
The Pizzaiole of Perugia

Nov | 14

On Tuesday, November 13th, Pizza & Musica hosted Umbra's Pizza-Making Workshop.  Ten students listened intently to the history behind Italy’s famous dish before crowding around the pizzaiolo to learn the art of the perfect pizza.  First, students spread the dough... Read More
The Roman Empire Class goes to Rome

Nov | 08

On Friday, November 2nd and Saturday, November 3rd, the Roman Empire class trekked through Rome to see first-hand the monuments, forums, and geography of their class material.  The first activity was a walk that followed the same path as the... Read More
Umbra Hosts Red-Eye Election Event

Nov | 07

While their Italian neighbors slept peacefully in their beds, Umbra Institute students  — many of whom are first-time voters — spent the early hours of the morning glued to classroom seats, watching the 2012 presidential election unfold.   From 2 a.m. onward, students,... Read More
Selling ‘Green’ Wine

Nov | 05

“There’s an old peasant proverb: ‘Leave the land a little better than you found it,’” said Stefano Cantelmo, head engineer for Montevibiano Vecchio Winery in Italy. Standing 20 feet below ground level, Umbra Institute students listened carefully to Cantelmo as... Read More
Umbra Alumna Works with Sister Cities during Fiera dei Morti

Nov | 05

The center streets of Perugia are vibrant with crowds of Perugini and tourists alike perusing the dozens of stands selling everything from gilded candlesticks to Slovakian sausages for the Fiera dei Morti, a five-day Italian celebration akin to the Day... Read More

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