Andy Steves Talks Travel at Umbra

Feb | 08

Andy Steves, son of well-known travel writer Rick Steves, gave a travel workshop at the Umbra Institute Thursday evening. Drawing on his lifetime of travel experience, Steves provided students with tips on how to travel around Italy and the rest... Read More
Two Classes Visit “Green” Winery

Feb | 06

“There’s an old peasant proverb: ‘Leave the land a little better than you found it,’” said Stefano Cantelmo, head engineer for Castello Montevibiano Vecchio Winery in Italy. Umbra's International Marketing students stand in the Montevibiano wine cellar after a tour... Read More
The End of a Cultural Week

Feb | 01

From the subtleties of how to enjoy a free pizza to the intricacy of wine tasting, Umbra students enjoyed a culturally busy week. Last Thursday, students attended a wine tasting at a local enoteca. Tuesday night, staff and students gathered... Read More
Umbra Alumni on LinkenIn

Jan | 31

Umbra alumni can now join our group on LinkedIn!  By joining this group, former students will have access to discussion forums, connections to past alumni, and any jobs posted by Umbra alumni.  It's a great way to make professional connections... Read More
Food Studies Program — Coffee Workshop gets caffeinated!

Jan | 22

If you go into an Italian café and ask for a "mocha," you'll get a perplexed stare. The same will happen if you request a cappuccino after 11am. And what about the difference between an espresso in the ceramic cup,... Read More
School Bells Ring

Jan | 21

Students listen to the internship details at Alessi High School. On Thursday and Friday of last week, the students in the INIT 350: Academic Internship and Seminar- Education course visited the two high schools where their internship will take place.  They... Read More

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