Languages Exchanged, Friendships Forged at Tandem

Jun | 13

Over sangria and snacks, 50 Italians and Americans bonded over linguistic and cultural differences and similarities during the first Tandem of the summer semester at il Birraio Wednesday evening. Umbra students practice Italian with native speakers at the Tandem language... Read More
So the Students Become the Pizzaioli

Jun | 12

Last night, students wandered down twisting streets to find Pizza e Musica, a hidden Perugia pizzeria that once served as a convent, and participate in the favorite Umbra Pizza Workshop. Umbra staff members Julie Falk and Laura Fronduti shattered more... Read More
Students Discover Finer Side of Wine

Jun | 10

Wednesday evening, a group of Umbra Institute students boned up on their dinner party conversation at a wine tasting at Énonè, a favorite Perugian enoteca. With the guidance of longtime sommelier Silvia Bartolini, the students learned to analyze wine based... Read More
Umbra Unites at Pizza Night

Jun | 05

General Studies and Intensive Italian students collided at Umbra Pizza Night, held Tuesday evening at Pizzeria La Botte. Umbra Student Services Assistant Marco "James" Bagli estimated that 96 percent of the student population attended the favorite event last night.  "You... Read More
Students Meet Perugia via Nooks and Crannies

Jun | 04

Students flock toward one of the many panoramic views on the Nooks and Crannies Tour. Sunday, the sunniest day Perugia had seen in weeks, coincided with the Festa della Repubblica, a national holiday celebrating Italy's transformation into a republic after... Read More
Intensive Italian Program Comincia con un Bang!

Jun | 03

Intensive Italian students arrived at Rome Fiumicino Airport Friday, beginning the intensive six-week immersion program.  After an evening at Perugia Hotel Giò, students moved into their apartments on Saturday morning. That afternoon, they took Italian placement exams and attended a... Read More

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