Sparks Fly at Tandem

Jun | 25

In June 2012, University of Perugia students Matteo Agostinelli and Giovanna Di Matteo met and swiftly fell in love at Tandem, an Umbra-sponsored event at which American and Italian students trade languages. At tonight's Tandem, the couple will celebrate their... Read More
Conquering the South of Italy

Jun | 24

Sunhats in hand and sunscreen applied, 40 Umbra students and three staff members boarded a bus Friday morning, ready for the Optional Trip to the South of Italy. The first stop on the Umbra Optional Trip was Pompei. The first... Read More
Umbra Prepares for International Conference

Jun | 21

Staff and faculty are steadily preparing for Bridges Across Culture, an international conference on the arts and humanities to be held at the Umbra Institute June 27-30.  Hailing from Wyoming to Istanbul, academics and professionals from various arts and humanities... Read More
Chilling at Gelato Night

Jun | 19

After its coldest May in what many locals declare centuries, Perugia is experiencing a scorching June. When students heard that Tuesday was Umbra Gelato Night, they swarmed Gelateria Veneta without a second thought.  Students gathered at Gelateria Veneta for Umbra... Read More
Food Studies Program Draws OWU Class

Jun | 14

In early June, the Umbra Institute hosted a class from Ohio Wesleyan University. With the assistance of Umbra Food Studies Program Coordinator Elisa Ascione, OWU Professor Dr. Christopher Fink taught his students that  food -- especially in Italy -- is "more than just a... Read More
Food Studies Program Draws OWU Class

Jun | 14

In early June, the Umbra Institute hosted a class from Ohio Wesleyan University. With the assistance of Umbra Food Studies Program Coordinator Elisa Ascione, OWU Professor Dr. Christopher Fink taught his students that  food -- especially in Italy -- is "more than just a... Read More

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