Food Studies Alumnae Make Umbra Proud

Jul | 04

Faculty and staff take pride in Umbra Institute alumni, especially when the alumni incorporate aspects of their education abroad into their post-graduate careers. From presenting her Harvard thesis at a conference to the acceptance to a prestigious culinary academy, two... Read More
Summer Programs Draw to a Close

Jul | 03

"Arrivederci!"   A group of General Studies students smile at the Farewell Aperitivo Thursday. Intensive Italian students will remain in Perugia until July 12. Summer General Studies students celebrated their five-week program at the Umbra Farewell Aperitivo on Thursday evening.... Read More
Food Studies Alumna Blogs for Foodem

Jul | 02

After her semester at The Umbra Institute in Spring 2013, Food Studies Program student Caitlin Smith received a summer internship as a food blogger for Foodem, an online, D.C.-based start-up that caters to the U.S. wholesale food distribution industry.  Umbra alumna Caitlin Smith... Read More
Alumna Interns as Food Blogger

Jul | 02

After her semester at The Umbra Institute in Spring 2013, Food Studies Program student Caitlin Smith received a summer internship as a food blogger for Foodem, an online, D.C.-based start-up that caters to the U.S. wholesale food distribution industry.  Umbra alumna... Read More
Earth Without Art is Eh

Jul | 01

Last week the Umbra Institute’s Summer 2013 semester drew to a celebratory close with an evening showcasing six weeks of cultural immersion and artistic pursuit. Special Academic Events Day began with the Student Art Show in Via dei Priori, where... Read More
Umbra Builds Bridges Across Culture

Jun | 26

Acclaimed academics from across the globe are trickling into the Umbra Institute to collect registration packets for Bridges Across Culture, an international conference on the arts and humanities. The conference will launch its first session from 3-5 p.m. Thursday at the Ranieri... Read More

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