Students Volunteer in the Classroom at Go Global

Nov | 04

The Umbra Institute has seen many firsts this semester in terms of volunteer opportunities; a new partnership with Go Global: American School of English is no exception. This week three students started volunteering as classroom helpers, and will continue until... Read More
In the Shoes of a Pizzaiolo

Nov | 04

Last week, students enrolled in Umbra’s Food Studies Program stepped into the shoes of a pizzaiolo as they tried their hand at pizza making at local pizzeria, Pizza e Musica. To provide a backdrop to their experience, Prof. Elisa Ascione... Read More
The Sweet Side of Chocolate: Fair Trade Festival Altrocioccolato

Oct | 30

In the heart of Città di Castello, a small city located in northern Umbria, a variety of vendors gathered for Altrocioccolato to celebrate a culinary favorite: chocolate! Amidst this diverse crowd of educators, patrons, and organizations, a group of four... Read More
In Search of an Italian Delicacy, Il Tartufo

Oct | 21

Earlier this month, students from Umbra’s HSIT350: History and Culture of Food in Italy found themselves picking their way carefully over uneven, muddy ground in the search of an Italian delicacy, il tartufo, the truffle! This truffle hunting experience was... Read More
Sustainability: A Step Beyond the Classroom

Oct | 16

Students in the Food Studies course, STFS 330 Sustainability and Food Production in Italy, are launching a new project this semester at the Umbra Institute. This project provides students with the opportunity to get out into the Perugian community and... Read More
Umbra Students Meet World Famous Butcher

Oct | 14

Earlier this semester, students enrolled in STFS 330 Sustainability and Food Production in Italy  had the opportunity to meet world famous butcher, Dario Cecchini, at his butcher shop in Panzano in Chianti. This small Tuscan town is two hours from... Read More

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