Food Studies Program Coordinator co-authors a chapter in the book “Food and Wine events in Europe”

Nov | 15

Elisa Ascione, Coordinator of the Food Studies Program, has co-authored the chapter “Eurochocolate: an instrument of valorization for Perugia and its territory,” published by Routledge in 2014 in the book Food and Wine events in Europe: a Stakeholder Approach. The... Read More
Psychology Class: Out in the Perugian Community

Nov | 14

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘research’? Slogging through countless yellowing textbooks, skimming article after article through online databases, tossing cup after empty cup of coffee into the library trash can?  For the students in PYIR... Read More
Archaeological Discoveries takes on Rome!

Nov | 13

Rome, la città eterna, or The Eternal City is home to a vast collection of some of the most significant artifacts in the history of humankind. On November 1st, ten students in the ARAA 220 Archaeological Discoveries: A Passion for... Read More
Umbra Celebrates International Education Week

Nov | 11

This week the Umbra Institute will be celebrating International Education Week. Started in 2000 as a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits... Read More
Walking in the Footsteps of his Ancestors

Nov | 06

Fall break: a time for Umbra students to take a much needed breather from the rigors of academia. While many students set off to various corners of Europe to explore the unknown, see the sites and meet friends, Santa Clara... Read More
New Co-Op Student at National Italian Newspaper

Nov | 04

Randal Sartor, a rising senior at Northeastern University in Boston, has returned after his Spring 2013 semester at Umbra to complete a four-month Co-Op (Cooperative Education Opportunity) with La Nazione, a national Italian online and print newspaper. As part of the Co-Op... Read More

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