Spring 2014 Semester is Underway!

Jan | 07

The inaugural days of Umbra’s Spring 2014 semester may have gotten off to a drizzly start; however, the gloom has finally given way to several days of glorious sunshine and clear skies – the perfect backdrop for exploring Perugia’s seemingly... Read More
Umbra Students Volunteer at Local Agriturismo

Dec | 12

This semester has been filled with local volunteer opportunities for students. Everything from UNICEF Pigotta doll making and wrapping holiday gifts with Mani Tese, to English tutoring at local schools.  Umbra participants have not shied away from these opportunities, but... Read More
Umbra Students Gain Hands-on International Marketing Experience

Dec | 09

Umbra’s BSIM 390: International Marketing provides students with an overview of theoretical and current business practices of international marketers, combined with a service learning component that allows for real world experience through a partnership with a local Umbrian company. [caption... Read More
A Walk in the Footsteps of the Emperors

Dec | 04

Umbra’s Roman Empire class spent the last weekend following in the footsteps of the city’s greatest emperors, taking in what remains of Marcus Aurelius’ eternal “city of marble”. Armed with walking shoes and the greatest Roman guide of the past... Read More
UNICEF Progetto Pigotta, More Than Just a Doll

Nov | 21

For the lives of many children, a doll can be a childhood friend or companion. The Progetto Pigotta or Rag Doll Project takes the importance of dolls one step further by giving them a role in saving the lives of... Read More
Umbra Professors Hold Photography Show at Local Theater

Nov | 20

Umbra professors Alessandro Celani and William Pettit will be holding an exhibition of their photography work at Teatro Morlacchi, November 23rd at 6 p.m. The two became friends through a shared interest in art and photography, in particular black and... Read More

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