Student’s Voice: Food For Thought

Apr | 02

As Umbra’s spring semester is winding down, we asked several students to reflect on their study abroad experiences in Perugia. Ashley Patino, an alumna of Virginia Commonwealth University and a participant in Umbra’s Food Studies Program shared the following with... Read More
Umbra Professor Publishes Book Analyzing Hellenistic Sculpture

Mar | 31

Umbra Professor Alessandro Celani has published a new book, A Certain Natural Pain: Hellenistic Sculptures Between Sense and Meaning, (Naturalis Quidam Dolor: Sculture ellenistiche fra senso e significato) focused on the birth and development of various artistic trends in the... Read More
Visiting Professor, Alex R. Hybel, Releases Two New Books

Mar | 18

Professor Alex R. Hybel The Umbra Institute is excited to announce the release of two new books by visiting Professor Alex R. Hybel, Professor of Government and International Relations at Connecticut College. In collaboration with selected Connecticut College students enrolled... Read More
Local Traditions in Siena: Il Palio

Feb | 20

Piazza del Campo, site of Il Palio. While studying abroad, Umbra students have a multitude of opportunities to learn first-hand about the customs and traditions of Italy. To add historical context to some of these experiences, students enrolled in Umbra... Read More
On the Hunt for Saints, Sinners, and Harlots

Feb | 19

Rain will not deter these students! On an early Friday morning, 12 students braved the light rain and wind to walk in the footsteps of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi. Led by Prof. Adrian Hoch, the students in... Read More
Sustainability Class Visits “World’s Most Famous Butcher” Dario Cecchini

Feb | 18

The sun was shining this past Saturday on the picturesque village of Panzano-in-Chianti, as the Umbra Institute’s STFS 330: Sustainability and Food Production in Italy class, accompanied by Professor Elisa Ascione, enjoyed a stroll through the countryside and an astonishing... Read More

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