Once Upon a Time, There Was an Umbra Professor…

Sep | 04

One of Umbra's history teachers, Simon Young, will speak this weekend at the Ninth Legendary Weekend of The Folklore Society on 'The Phantom Armies of Castle-an-Dinas' in Chatham (UK). Dr. Young has published extensively on folklore in the last years. ... Read More
Orientation at the Umbra Institute

Sep | 02

Perugia is abuzz with new students! Umbra’s Fall 2014 group arrived on Friday afternoon to sunny skies and warm temperatures – the perfect weather for exploring their new home.  Umbra's comprehensive orientation consisted of the following:  Day 1 – Airport... Read More
Sustainability Class Visits “World’s Most Famous Butcher” Dario Cecchini!

Jun | 25

Professor Nowak regales students with the history of the Tuscan countryside. The sun was shining this Friday on the picturesque village of Panzano-in-Chianti, as four Umbra classes, SOIT 361: Not Just a Meal, FSIT 340 Mangiamo, HLNT 321: Italy and... Read More
UNICEF and Umbra Collaborate on “Il Progetto Pigotta”

Jun | 25

Dolls have provided comfort and companionship to generations of children the world over. And now, with the help of Il Progetto Pigotta, or “Rag Doll Project,” they can even save lives. Founded in Lombardy, Italy, in 1988 by Boston native... Read More
Hungry? Why not Gim ch’è Bulo??

Jun | 05

Do you love getting out and trying new food? Are you unsure about the many different kinds of coffee in Italian cafes? Need some restaurant inspiration? Take a look at Umbra's newest newsletter "Gim ch'è Bulo," a culinary guide to... Read More
Direct Enrollment Students at UniPG Excel in Final Exams

Apr | 25

Umbra is proud of our DE Students! Two Umbra students, Lauren Spadine and Shannon Berenbaum, enrolled in the Direct Enrollment program at the University of Perugia, have gone above and beyond in their studies this semester, spending long hours studying... Read More

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