Giving Back by Teaching English

Oct | 30

One of Umbra’s missions as a place of academic and personal growth is to give back to the community that gives our students so much. This semester we are proud to say that nearly one-quarter of our entire student body... Read More
Enrich Your Study Abroad Experience by Volunteering at UNICEF

Oct | 27

Umbra students are proving yet again to have not only a smart brain, but also a big heart! A team of 10 Umbra students is currently volunteering with the UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund) Pigotta Project, which helps fund... Read More
Fair Trade Interns at Altrocioccolato

Oct | 20

Fair trade interns with Professor Giordana and Agostino Cefalo, the coordinator of Altrocioccolato Umbria is known for its chocolate. Eurochocolate, a festival that brings chocolate-lovers to Perugia from all over the world, begins this week. However, this well-known event is... Read More
Oprah Winfrey Hunts Truffles in Umbria

Oct | 16

Oprah on the hunt! Photo via Gayle King's Instagram What do you get the woman who has everything? A truffle hunt in Umbria! This past weekend, Oprah Winfrey visited the Relais Todini winery in Perugia for a truffle hunt with... Read More
On the Hunt for Umbrian Gold

Oct | 14

Truffle master Matteo Bartolini advises the Umbra group Not-so-bright and very early Saturday morning a group of intrepid Umbra students set out on the hunt for “Umbrian gold” – truffles! Participants in Umbra’s Food Studies Program joined Program Coordinator Elisa... Read More
Student Workshop Highlights Human Rights

Oct | 10

On Tuesday afternoon, study abroad students in PSEU 340: Politics and Economics of the European Union participated in a workshop at Ubuntu Centro Immigrazione, a local center for immigrants in Perugia. Directors at the center led a discussion with both... Read More

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