University of Perugia is Ranked Italy’s Number One Mid-Sized University

Mar | 05

The University of Perugia has been awarded the number one ranking in the country for Italian universities with between 20,000 and 40,000 students. The rankings were determined by Il Censis, Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali, a socioeconomic research institute, and based... Read More
The Secret to Authentic Italian Cuisine: Passion and Simple Ingredients

Feb | 12

Fresh and simple ingredients await the class. This week, Professor Elisa Ascione led her Food Studies Program students to the Università dei Sapori for a delicious cooking class. With the help of Italian professional chef Francesco Lattarulo, students prepared gnocchi... Read More
Politics and Economics Students Explore Human Rights

Feb | 10

As part of an ongoing project, students in PSEU 340: Politics and Economics of the European Union participated in a workshop at Ramus Oleae Centro Immigrazione last Wednesday afternoon. As a local center for immigrants in Perugia, this organization aims to... Read More
Students Discover Wine Therapy

Feb | 05

This week, BSEU 390: Business in Europe: Environment & Practices students took a trip to the local Cantina Goretti to meet their client for this semester’s marketing project. Sara and Giulia Goretti, fourth generation sisters of the Goretti family, gave the... Read More
Umbra’s Student Chorus Takes on Everything From Opera to Rap

Feb | 04

Umbra students and the Maestro at the first Choral Workshop of the semester! On Tuesday night, Umbra held its first choral workshop of the semester! Students were led through the Italian national anthem, “Fratelli d’Italia” (“Brothers of Italy”) by choral... Read More
Ashley Webb, Intern at Fashion Company Pashmere

Jan | 27

Ashley Webb is currently interning at Pashmere, a high-end fashion company. We met up with her for coffee at Bar Duomo, where she told us about her love for Perugia, stepping out of her comfort zone, and getting involved with... Read More

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