Behind the Scenes at Pashmere

Mar | 26

Umbra’s Intercultural Marketing course provides students with the theory behind business and marketing practices in international companies. This semester, Umbra is continuing its collaboration with Pashmere, a family-run luxury cashmere company. Last week, the students visited Pashmere’s offices just outside... Read More
A Dog, a Man, and an Umbra Class in the Forest: Truffle-Hunting Field Trip

Mar | 19

Last weekend, the students in Professor Simon Young’s HSIT350: The History and Culture of Food course went on an exciting truffle-hunting field trip to Matteo Bartolini’s agriturismo and truffle school, Ca’ Solare, near Citta di Castello. The class poses at... Read More
Umbra Professor Analyzes Study Abroad Through Student Narratives

Mar | 16

Umbra Institute professor Christian Tarchi has conducted a study analyzing students' narratives through a video-log assignment as a source for reflection on their cross-cultural understanding. Professor Tarchi will present his latest findings this August in Cyprus, at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference... Read More
Umbra’s First SoloItaliano Challenge

Mar | 12

In class, students pledge to speak only in Italian. This week, our brave students at Umbra participated in a new initiative for linguistic immersion: the SoloItaliano Challenge. The participants of this challenge signed a pledge in Italian class on Monday... Read More
A Tribute to David Larsen

Mar | 10

It is with great sadness that we deliver the news that our colleague and friend, David Chester Larsen, passed away on Monday morning, 2 March 2015. The Umbra Institute was founded in 1999 through a cooperative agreement with the Arcadia... Read More
UNICEF x Umbra Progetto Pigotta Spring 2015 is a Success!

Mar | 06

For the seventh year in a row, the Umbra Institute has collaborated with UNICEF Perugia to complete the “Progetto Pigotta,” or “Rag Doll Project”. Umbra student volunteers, both Italian and American, have worked for the past several weeks to create... Read More

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