Homestay: Living with an Italian Family

Apr | 15

“Living in someone’s home, especially in a foreign country, teaches you so much more than a language” All of the Umbra students are housed in the city center of Perugia, but there are a few exceptions.  This Spring 15 semester,... Read More
Umbra Professor Keynote Speaker at Italian-American Conference

Apr | 13

Urban Spaces Professor Raymond Lorenzo will be representing the Umbra Institute as the keynote speaker at the Calandra Italian American Institute's annual conference at Queens College in New York City. This year's conference topic is, "Bambini, Ragazzi, Giovani: Children and... Read More
Umbra Students Prepare for Re-Entry

Apr | 01

On Tuesday night, Umbra students started to think about going back home Re-entry is possibly the most overlooked aspect of study abroad. "Going home" often means leaving a new home behind. Many study abroad students will return as a changed... Read More
A Delicious Journey Through Italy’s Food Valley

Apr | 01

This weekend the History and Culture of Food in Italy class embarked on what can only be described as an epic food voyage through Parma, the capital city of Italy’s “food valley,” Emilia-Romagna. Watching parmigiano being aged in pools of... Read More
Umbra’s Sustainability Course is on the Air!

Mar | 31

The Umbra Institute is radio famous! Through a recent partnership with Radiophonica, the official radio station of the University of Perugia, students in the sustainability course are working in groups to create individual podcast episodes aimed at bringing awareness to... Read More
GOOOOOOOALLLLLL! Umbra Soccer Takes Off

Mar | 30

This semester Umbra Italian Professor Giuliano Agamennoni took it upon himself to organize Umbra’s first-ever soccer team! The team met every Sunday afternoon, leaving the students plenty of time for studying and travelling the rest of the week.  Professor Agamennoni... Read More

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