Umbra-Università per Stranieri Partnership Enhanced: Italian Students to Enroll at Umbra

Aug | 25

The Università per Stranieri in Perugia (The University for Foreigners) and The Umbra Institute have been academic partners for numerous years.  Next year, this cooperation will intensify to welcome the local Italian students from the University for Foreigners into Umbra courses. The... Read More
Food & Sustainability Studies Program Alum Works on a Farm

Jul | 21

We recently got this report back from Cynthia Baur, a Dickinson College student who completed the Food & Sustainability Studies Program in April 2015. "This summer after I arrived home after a wonderful and eye-opening semester in Italy on the... Read More
SoloItaliano Challenge: Intensive Italian Students Intensify Their Experience

Jul | 07

This summer's Intensive Italian Language and Culture Program students experienced something even more intense than usual: the first intensive SoloItaliano Challenge.  Last week, our courageous students solemnly swore upon holy Italian dictionaries to speak only in Italian for four entire days.... Read More
Creighton Students Learn About Food and Sustainability

Jul | 02

Eight students from Creighton University, accompanied by professors Maria Teresa Maenza-Vanderboegh and Gregory Bucher, are in Perugia for one week of “Food and Sustainability Studies” at the Umbra Institute. Students are studying the history and culture of food in Italy... Read More
History and Culture of Food Class Visits Covered Market of Perugia

Jun | 15

Alissa Foster, who is currently taking the History and Culture of Food in Italy class, recently visited the covered market of Perugia together with her classmates. The field lecture was led by prof. Elisa Ascione.  The History of and Culture of Food... Read More
Fresco Painting Class Takes on Borgo Bello Neighborhood

Jun | 12

Umbra's Fresco Painting class has ventured outside of their studio! For a few weeks now, Perugia's inhabitants have been admiring a new fresco painting on one of Borgo Bello's walls in Via Fiorenzuola. This fresco project began at the request of a neighborhood organization... Read More

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