Urban Spaces of Perugia: Umbra Students Renovate the Terrace of Via del Cortone

Dec | 02

Student design for Terrace project. Photo by Raymond Lorenzo Urban Spaces students have dedicated their semester to constructing a new space for locals to enjoy on a terrace along Via del Cortone, located in the Borgo Bello district of Perugia’s... Read More
Know Your Euro: Europe’s New 20 Euro Banknote

Nov | 30

Many Americans going abroad for the first time compare foreign currency to Monopoly money. It doesn’t feel real, it looks funny, and is often brightly colored compared to our own “green” currency. It is not uncommon to feel this way... Read More
The SoloItaliano Challenge: Umbra Students Declare “I Don’t Speak English”

Nov | 19

Marc Capparelli (Quinnipiac University) swears to speak only in ItalianThis week, Umbra students embraced an opportunity for full linguistic immersion by participating in the SoloItaliano Challenge. This initiative inspired students to voluntarily put their newly-acquired Italian language skills into practice... Read More
6 Things to Know About Your Morning Caffeine Fix

Nov | 16

Each semester, Umbra provides a coffee workshop for students. During this event, Dr. Elisa Ascione, the coordinator of Umbra’s Food Studies and Sustainability Program, presents the history of coffee, including its origin, innovations, and modern cultural significance. Check out the... Read More
Journalism and Communication in Italy: Umbra’s New Student Club

Nov | 12

Written by Elizabeth Santoro Students discuss brand journalism according to traditional journalistic ethicsThe Umbra Institute kicked off its first journalism club meeting for its study abroad students on Wednesday, Nov. 11th. The first workshop presented by the club, known as... Read More
Perugia: Officially the Youth Capital of Italy for the Year of 2016

Nov | 04

Tuesday, November 3rd, Perugia received the official title as the Youth Capital of Italy for the year of 2016. Perugia received this title because it is known as an exceptional university city whose youth take pride in numerous local, national,... Read More

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