Student Perspectives: What is Tandem?

Oct | 06

Students enjoy discussing lifestyle and cultural differences among friends Learning the local language is an important part of studying abroad in Italy. For this reason, Umbra organizes a number of cultural immersion activities, including Tandem. The goal of Tandem is... Read More
Uncovering the History and Modernity of the Mafia

Oct | 03

Students after a presentation about the Mafia in Umbra's Aula Magna  Last week, students in the new HSIT 380: Cosa Nostra: Cinema and History of the Mafia course took part in a presentation about the Mafia, hosted in collaboration with the... Read More
Italy’s Most Prestigious Newspaper Publishes the Work of Umbra Staff and Alumni

Sep | 28

Current Umbra staff member and Fall 2014 alumna, Ashley Webb, in collaboration with professor Antonella Valoroso and Spring 2016 alumna Shameesha Pryor, wrote Il matrimonio all’italiana visto da un’americana for Corriere della Sera’s La 27esima Ora. The article was published... Read More
Sustainability Students Meet Dario Cecchini: Responsibilities of a Carnivore

Sep | 26

On Saturday, Umbra students taking part in STFS 330: Sustainability of Food took a day trip to Italy’s Chianti region to learn from the renowned Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini himself. Students began their day with a glimpse at Dario’s shop,... Read More
Umbra Students Write for Local Online Magazine

Sep | 23

Prof. Elisa Ascione translates the words of SapereFood's Filippo On Thursday night, ANFS 370: Anthropology of Food and ISLI 330: A Taste for Knowledge students met with Filippo Benedetti Valentini and Emanuela De Pinto, owners and founders of SapereFood Magazine,... Read More
Umbra Alumna Brings Museum Studies into her Graduate Career

Sep | 08

[caption id="attachment_63840" align="alignright" width="195"] Christina and her Museum Studies classmates are given a tour of a local museum to learn more about what keeps a museum running[/caption] GLASGOW, Scotland — Umbra Institute (Fall 2014) and Roger Williams University (Spring 2016)... Read More

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