Fair Trade Students Host Film Screening

Feb | 06

CESP 351 students hosted a film screening to encourage the local community to become more aware of issues surrounding fair trade Last Thursday, CESP 351: Fair Trade Seminar & Practicum students helped with a film screening event co-hosted by Monimbò... Read More
Journalism & Communications Club Participants Tour Local Radio Station

Jan | 27

Students visit and tour Radiophonica Staff from Radiophonica, a local WebTV and WebRadio producer, came to the Umbra Institute on Tuesday to share their work with the participants of Umbra’s Journalism & Communications Club. Radiophonica is a member of the National... Read More
The History and Culture of Wine and Cheese

Jan | 24

The class gathers in front of the Broccatelli Cheese Factory This weekend, HSIT 349: The History and Culture of Food in Italy students learned how cheese and wine is produced as they visited Di Filippo Winery and Broccatelli Cheese Factory.... Read More
Perugia and Umbra Safe During Morning Earthquake

Jan | 18

As many have expressed concern for the Umbra community, we would like to report that the city of Perugia and the Umbra Institute were unaffected by this morning's earthquake in Italy. The location primarily affected was the area around Amatrice, about... Read More
To Be, or Not to Be, in Umbra’s Theater Club

Jan | 12

A past theater performance at Onaosi Theater in Perugia In the fall of 2015, the Theater Club took Umbra by storm as students performed for the community at the elaborate Onaosi Theater in Perugia. Since their first production, the club... Read More
Spring 2017 Students Jump into Umbra’s Intensive Week

Jan | 10

Umbra welcomes Spring 2017 students This last weekend, the Umbra Institute welcomed Spring 2017 students to Perugia. The weekend began with orientation at the Hotel Giò and within the lovely Santa Cecilia Oratory, where students learned all they need to... Read More

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