Don’t Tell Rome

Jun | 01

by Teresa Cutler-Broyles Perugia has won. And it didn’t even know it was in a contest. When I arrived in 2014 for my first year of teaching at the Umbra Institute I had no idea what to expect. I’d never... Read More
Why You Should Study Abroad in Perugia

Jun | 01

By Kate Donati, College of William and Mary and Spring '19 Umbra Rep If you're like most students who come to study here, you have never heard of our little city before. I bet you a Turan Café cappuccino that... Read More
Learning Italian while Studying Abroad in Perugia

Jun | 01

By Gerardo Moceri, Arizona State University and Spring '19 Umbra Rep Studying abroad in a smaller town in a foreign country can be a scary thought at first, as the language barrier can sometimes be a lot. However, the experiences... Read More
Pigotta Dolls for Peace

Mar | 20

by Ruby Dann, University of Connecticut and Spring ’19 Umbra Rep My knowledge of Unicef used to be based off the colorful cardboard boxes we set out around the holidays to collect coins as donations for the organization. The boxes... Read More
Umbra Food Studies Professors Participate in International Conference

Mar | 14

On March 9th and 10th, Dr. Elisa Ascione, Coordinator of the Umbra Institute’s Food & Sustainability Program (FSSP), facilitated the Food, Heritage & Community Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. The goal of the conference, sponsored by Progressive Connexions, was “to... Read More
Workout in Perugia

Mar | 05

by Kathryn Donati, College of William and Mary and Spring ’19 Umbra Rep There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a study abroad program, things like location, program cost, dates, and classes. Fitness usually tends to fall... Read More

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