Art History Class Studies Renaissance Florence

Oct | 10

In an effort to expand the curriculum beyond the classroom, several Umbra courses will take class field trips. This weekend, the Survey of Renaissance Art class was the first to take the excursion. Art history students, led by Professor Sheri... Read More
La Notte Bianca – Roma

Sep | 27

Umbra students were among the millions of people in Rome for "La Notte Bianca," or their annual "white night" festival. The event is appealling: museums, shops, restaurants, and bars remain open all night while Italians take to the streets for... Read More
In the Kitchen with Umbra

Sep | 22

In addition to learning the Italian language, Umbra students are also learning some tips for la cucina italiana. This week, a local caterer from Perugia led Umbra students on a cooking demonstration for homemade gnocchi. Students had to prepare the... Read More
La Vendemmia, 2005

Sep | 16

"Wine is a living thing. It is made, not only of grapes and yeasts, but of skill and patience. When drinking it remember that to the making of that wine has gone, not only the labor and care of years,... Read More
l Primo Tandem!

Sep | 16

More than seventy students gathered on Wednesday for the first Scambi Lingua (Tandem) event. Tandem is a weekly event which brings American students together with Italians to practice their language skills through conversation. Tandem is a voluntary activity for those... Read More
Students Explore Assisi, Umbria

Sep | 10

The Perugia through the Ages class spent a day in Assisi examining the role the city has played in the region's history. The trip was led by Professor Paola Chiurulla. "Both the church of Santa Chiara and San Francesco's basilica... Read More

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