Best Places to Eat Between Classes

Jan | 16

By Olivia Venuta, University of Denver and Umbra Rep Fall ’19 Being a full-time student can be time-consuming and most school days, I don’t have time to walk home and make lunch. Lucky for me, Umbra is surrounded by delicious... Read More
The Frugal Student: Top 3 Day Trip Destinations Near Perugia

Jul | 27

The summer is flying by and locals are flocking to the nearest beaches. But which are the best day trip destinations for your next visit to Perugia? This blog kicks off our summer blog features for The Frugal Student – a series... Read More
Mind, Body, and Soul: Staying Healthy While Studying Abroad

Nov | 29

by Emma Albertoni, University of Denver and Umbra Rep Fall ’19 Studying abroad can be one of the most exciting, wonderful, and rewarding experiences during a student’s time in college. Many universities offer programs all over the world for students... Read More
Breakfast Abroad. When US meets Italy… in Perugia

Oct | 17

By Taylor Feehan, University of Southern Maine and Fall 2019 Umbra Rep Italy has so much to offer. The beautiful scenery, the culture, the kind faces that you pass by every single day, and let’s not forget… the food &... Read More
5 Reasons to Participate in Community Engagement

Oct | 11

  By Nicole Flohr, Lebanon Valley College and Umbra Rep Fall ’19 Over 95 percent of Umbra students participate in community engagement each semester. Engaging in a meaningful way with the local community and Italian culture is one of the... Read More
Former Student Returns as Professor to Teach Cultural Communication

Jun | 26

[caption id="attachment_63837" align="alignright" width="250"] Rocco Catrone (right) and some students after their art therapy clinic at the Umbra Institute[/caption] An article by Rocco Catrone— adjunct faculty and Behavior Analysis practitioner at Elmhurst College, visiting professor and alumnus of the Umbra... Read More

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