10 Things to Do in Your Free Time in Perugia

Oct | 12

by Umbra Rep Lauren Pawlowski, University of Connecticut Part of adjusting to life in a new country while studying abroad is figuring out ways to make this place feel like home. Exploring the city and surrounding areas is exciting, but... Read More
Food, Sustainability, & Environment Students Visit Italian Gastronomic Heartland

Oct | 05

Last weekend, students in Umbra’s program for Food, Sustainability, & Environment (FSE) went to Parma and Modena for what is one of the most significant field trips of their study abroad experience. Accompanied by the three co-instructors of the FSE... Read More
Italy: An Example for the World

Sep | 17

16 September 2021 - Washington, DC During a visit to the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC on Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that, "Italy has become an example to the world". Fauci went on to compliment and promote Italy for... Read More
Bentornati! Umbra and Perugia Ready for Fall Reopening

Sep | 16

The whole Umbra Institute community is awaiting the arrival of the students in the Fall 2021 cohort, who will come to a city bathed in the later summer sun. Perugia has always been welcoming to American and all other foreign... Read More
Umbra welcomes new director… back to Perugia

Sep | 13

The Umbra Institute is welcoming back longtime staff member Zachary Nowak back to Perugia—now as the new director. Nowak started working at Umbra in 2005 as a study services assistant. After learning the ropes helping professors attach their laptops to... Read More
5 Things to Pack for Your Fall Semester in Perugia

Sep | 02

Are you planning to study abroad in Perugia, Italy this fall? We at the Umbra Institute have constructed a list of 5 things you shouldn’t forget to pack for your fall abroad in Perugia. This list is not everything you... Read More

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