La cucina perugina!

Jan | 23

As Umbrian food expert Andrea Mecozzi says, the best way to get to know a city is to taste it. Last night more thantwenty-five Umbra students went to a unique Perugian restaurant, Al Mangiar Bene, which uses only organic and local... Read More
The Pull of Perugia

Jan | 22

When you walk down Corso Vannucci for the first time, something changes. It's that simple. Perugia, for reasons that become obvious when you study here for four months, or a year, or a summer, has a wonderful charm that captures... Read More
Sam the Ham Becomes Prosciutto Pete

Jan | 21

Sometimes Italian experiences happen almost by accident. Umbra staff member Zach Now has been fiddling for years with Italian foods, but decided last year to try his hand at prosciutto, a type of cured ham that sits almost as high... Read More
Cinema Pavone – The Peacock Theater

Jan | 16

In 1717 the leading Perugian noble families decided that Perugia would always be a backwater provincial town if it didn’t have an opera house. They pooled their money and built the Teatro del Pavone, the Peacock Theater, which was the exclusive preserve... Read More
“Neither rain nor fog nor little dogs…”

Jan | 14

Unseasonly mediocre weather has dampened spirits around Perugia these days and so staff member Zach Nowak did not expect much of a turnout for his Perugia Nooks & Crannies Tour. The guided tour intentionally eschews discussions of art and political... Read More
An English Accent In Corso Vannucci

Jan | 08

In addition to bringing presents to Italian children all over Italy, the Befana (Italy's kindhearted "Christmas witch") brought over two hundred students to Perugia this past weekend. Having braved winter storms, trans-Atlantic flights, and fronts of crummy weather here in... Read More

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