The Spigots Run Dry Every 1,200 Years…

Feb | 02

At least this time it's only for the evening! Tonight from 9pm until tomorrow morning early residents of Perugia's historic center won't have any water. No, it's not an emergency, just an opportunity for the town to replace some old... Read More
Aperitivo 101

Jan | 28

Yesterday evening, in true Italian fashion, a group of Umbra students discovered the importance of the Mediterranean tradition of stimulating the appetite before a meal with what is known as the aperitivo. Seventeen students and Umbra staff member Paul Schiller... Read More
Tandem in 2009

Jan | 27

Imagine walking into a room filled with fifty students, some of whom you may have a met a few weeks ago, but many of whom are total strangers. Then someone asks you to sit down in a group of five... Read More
Orientation in the Countryside

Jan | 22

Last Sunday, students through Arcadia University were treated to a day in the Umbrian countryside as a part of their orientation. Flavio Orsini and his family continue the time old traditions of Italian farming in the town of Passignano sul... Read More
Yes, We Can… or Si, Si Puo’!

Jan | 21

For once, the six hour time difference between Italy and the East Coast worked to our advantage! Yesterday afternoon, Umbra students finished up classes just in time to catch live coverage of the presidential inaguration festivities in Washington, DC. Students... Read More
Climbing Through the Clouds in Assisi

Jan | 21

Umbra students hailing from St. Bonaventure University, the Center for International Studies, Lebanon Valley College, Richmond College, the University of Mississippi, and Newman College were all invited for a daytrip to Assisi this Saturday. Local tour guide Marco Bellanca led... Read More

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