Pass the Pizza

Mar | 25

Yesterday was the second edition of the Umbra Institute’s Pizza Workshop. Staff member Zach Nowak led fourteen students through Perugia’s back alleys to the little neighborhood pizzeria, Pizza e Musica. The first part of the night was what Nowak himself... Read More
First Day of Spring in Milan

Mar | 23

While most often associated with Florence, the city at the center of the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci spent 17 years early in his career working for the Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. This past weekend Umbra Students taking the... Read More
Millennial Photography at Umbra

Mar | 19

Louis Daguerre announced the perfection of the “daguerreotype,” the first photograph, on 7 January 1839, and as he recounted the procedure, notes about it were relayed by people in the hall of the French Academy of Sciences to those outside... Read More
The Steps

Mar | 16

The Steps. Even in Italian, a language hesitant to capitalize anything but the first letter of the first proper noun in a long name (e.g. "A farewell to arms" instead of "A Farewell To Arms"), you can hear that capital... Read More
Back to the Books

Mar | 10

Last week Mary Danahy, Linda Moore, and Bethany O’Connell took a mini-bus down to the Perugia airport (one terminal, two check-in desks) and flew to London’s Stanstead airport (three terminals, about seventy check-in desks). Like Grand Tourists of centuries past,... Read More
Photo of the Month Contest

Mar | 09

Congratulations to Christine Mallia from Elon University for her photo of "Love Locks." Christine will enjoy a free meal from Quattro Passi Pizzeria. Auguri! Read More

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