Adventure in Your Backyard

Apr | 01

By Umbra Rep Alexis Kulish, Arcadia University It is pretty typical for us study abroad students to want to catch as many flights as we can to explore the maximum amount of bucket list destinations during our time abroad. However,... Read More
How Study Abroad Inspires: Entrepreneurship Advice from an Umbra Alum

Mar | 25

Jessica Paholsky (Spring 2012, Pennsylvania State University) Linkedin Contact, Jessica Paholsky Current Role: Founder of Once Upon a Pesto, Video Marketing Coordinator at Milton Hershey School This article is part of Umbra’s Alumni Success Series. Study abroad inspires students from... Read More
How I Will Never Eat Cheese The Same: Takeaways From The FSE Field Trip

Mar | 22

By Umbra Rep Jackie Hanson, Arcadia University When you are eating a slice, what do you think of? Do you think of how the cheese is made, the people that have helped make the cheese, or the factory that it... Read More
Cinecittà: A Dive into the History of Cinema

Mar | 21

By Umbra Rep Faith Duggan, Clark University Close your eyes and pretend you just got off the short train ride from Perugia to Rome. Take a deep breath in; inhale the new city smell, bask in the warm sunny glow... Read More
Top 5 Day Trip Destinations Near Perugia

Mar | 18

It is spring break time and the atmosphere at Umbra is unusually quiet. Most of our students are currently visiting Italian and European cities, but some of them opted to explore some of the gems near Perugia. But which are... Read More
Multicultural Psychology Students Visit National School for Guide Dogs

Mar | 15

Last Friday, Multicultural Psychology Program (MPP) students went on a field trip to Florence, where they visited the National School for Guide Dogs. The school endeavors to change the lives of the blind/visually-impaired individuals by training 30 dogs each year.... Read More

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