Martedi Grasso on Corso Vannucci

Mar | 08

With Martedì Grasso (Fat Tuesday) yesterday, Carnevalecame to an end. Children and adults alike celebrated during the day and night by wearing costumes, masks, and painting their faces. Last weekend, some fortunate Umbra students even found themselves at the celebration’s epicenter,... Read More
Roman Civ Class Survives Naples

Feb | 24

Last weekend, 37 Umbra students in Professor Bevagna's Roman Civilization course spent three days exploring the rich archaeological heritage in the Naples area of Italy. Despite temporary museum closing due to protests, unusually rainy weather, and the famous Napolitan traffic,... Read More
Umbra On The Web

Feb | 22

Do you Facebook? Blog? How about YouTube? The Umbra Institute is plugged in with all three in an effort to help students see what it's like to live in Perugia before they make their decision to come here. The Umbra... Read More
Holy Snow!

Feb | 18

Last Friday, students in Professor Adrian Hoch's Michelangelo course braved the unusually winter weather -- SNOW in Rome! -- to visit some of Michelangelo's most famous works of art. Students started out at the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel,... Read More
Gnocchi — it’s what’s for dinner

Feb | 15

Four years ago Erin Jordan came to Italy and the first thing she ate was gnocchi, Italy's potato and flour reponse to knoedel. At the Arrival Dinner on her first night in Perugia, Jordan sat down to the table with... Read More
Tandem is Back

Feb | 12

In Italian the word for tongue and language, is one and the same: lingua. That's why, in addition to the week of Intensive Italian and the obligatory Italian classes, the Umbra Institute sponsors the Tandem program. Run by staff member Rachel... Read More

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