Carnevale on both shores!

Feb | 08

This past weekend Umbra Institute students headed out for the traditional Italian Carnival (carnevale) celebrations. Most Americans think of Venice as the obvious destination -- and indeed the city has been the spot for carnival celebrations since the Grand Tourists... Read More
Who’s that pizza named after?

Feb | 05

In 1889 the king and queen of Italy, in a bid to seem closer to their subjects, invited pizza maker Raffaele Esposito to the royal palace outside of Naples to make them pizzas. Esposito turned out three different types: one with... Read More
2-15-2010 Italian For All Seasons — and Levels

Feb | 05

The Umbra Institute offers a wide range of options for learning Italian. Io sono, tu sei, lui è... Learning a language isn't just about learning the conjugation of a verb, it's about experiencing a culture. At the Umbra Institute, though, we... Read More
Photo of the Month

Feb | 03

Congrats to Ali Millrood from the University of Colorado-Boulder for her winning photo entitled "An Umbra Snapshot." Ali will enjoy a free meal from Quattro Passi Pizzeria!Auguri Ali! Read More
San Costanzo Day!

Feb | 01

Perugia, never a city to take chances with divine intervention, has had not one, not two, but three patron saints since the middle ages. Despite San Lorenzo's comets and Sant'Ercolano's cool octagonal church, San Costanzo remains the hometown favorite. This... Read More
Wine Tasting with a Twist!

Jan | 29

Last night at Umbra's second wine tasting for the semester students tasted a whopping four different wines.  The tasting began with a crisp Franciacorta sparkling white that was followed by two full-bodied reds and topped off by a sweet desert... Read More

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