Umbra Students Make Raggedy…”Anna”

Mar | 22

Her name is a little bit different in Italian, but that didn't present any sort of linguistic barrier to the Umbra Institute students participating in a fundraiser for Unicef. The project involves sewing together rag dolls, which are then sold... Read More
Legendary Photographer Steve McCurry in Perugia!

Mar | 19

Starting April 11, Perugia's Galleria Nazionale will be be displaying two-hundred and forty photographs by Steve McCurry--most well-known for his work during the Soviet war in Afghanistan.McCurry shot the famous photograph "Afghan Girl" (whose name he later found out to... Read More
Kissing Contest

Mar | 16

No none knows what came first, the chicken or the egg, and just as mysterious is whether the Hershey's kiss or the Perugina bacio was first. Original or copy, the bacio tastes just as good on the lips, and to... Read More
And the winner is…

Mar | 15

"Big Ben and Friends" by Sarah DeNapoli from the University of Denver! Sarah will enjoy a free pizza from Quattro Passi Pizzeria. Complimenti!   Read More
Oh, The Places They’ve Been!

Mar | 12

Galway Bay by Gina Rivara   Assisi by Ruth Orbach   Spanish Guitar by Emily Bostin   Big Ben by Sarah DeNapoli   No Pasa Nada by Alexandra Millrood   Verona by Bobby Coutu Read More
New anthology about Perugia

Mar | 08

Thousands of foreigners have passed through Perugia in the last century, and yet it's hard to know what they thought about the city. Except for a few quotes from some of the more illustrious travelers of the recent past, the... Read More

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