Nooks and Crannies Redux

Sep | 14

This past weekend Umbra students were put to the test: does Perugia have more nooks, or more crannies? Staff member and Urban Engagement Seminar prof Zachary Nowak took a group of thirty students on a ramble around the city's historic... Read More
Pasta in Passignano

Sep | 13

Side-by-side, Arcadia students and volunteers of the Orsini family's eco-friendly farm became a pasta making factory. The tradition of pasta making came alive as students kneaded, rolled, and cut the dough made of eggs and flour. However, the day was... Read More
Learning to Live in Italy

Sep | 08

Perhaps the most important aspect of Umbra students’ first week in Perugia is the intensive “survival” Italian course. Working with Umbra’s Italian faculty members, they start first in the classroom learning basic vocabulary like cucchiaio,forchetta, and coltello (spoon, fork, knife). They then proceed... Read More

Sep | 05

>If flying into Rome's hectic Fiumicino airport and the move into Perugia are the first hurdles students have to jump, Orientation would be the second. The past two days have been an alternation of Orientation meetings on various themes (housing,... Read More
Tour of the Town

Sep | 02

With a breathtaking summer sun setting over the green hills of the Umbria region, Umbra Institute staff member Zach wrapped up his "Nooks and Crannies" tour of Perugia for the newly arrived Full Immersion students. The walking tour provided students... Read More
A presto!

Aug | 31

...for her new American "temporary citizens." Since its inception in 2001, the Umbra Institute has had over fifteen hundred American study abroad students pass through its door to take classes (in wood-lined halls and under ceiling frescoes) in its buildings... Read More

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