Onde Rock Returns To Lake Trasimeno

Jun | 07

Perugia is perhaps best known internationally for (other than its baci chocolates) the Umbria Jazz Festival, which begins every year on the second Friday in July. A local favorite as far as music, though, is the Onde Rock festival, a... Read More
Workshop della Pizza

Jun | 01

Last night was the Umbra Pizza Workshop...but with a twist. As part of Professor Robert Proctor's "Intensive Italian Through Culture" program, students got a brief history of pizza from staff member Zach Nowak, made pizzas with the direction of headpizzaiolo Felice,... Read More
Etruscans & Cortona

May | 31

This past Friday a group of Umbra Institute students (here with their professors from Trinity College) took an outing to Cortona. In addition to getting a beautiful view of the valley and of Lake Trasimeno, the students were able to... Read More
Summer Nooks&Crannies Tour

May | 24

Yesterday was a perfect day for a traipse around Perugia's historic center and about thirty Umbra students did just that, taking Umbra staff member Zach Nowak's nearly world-famous "Perugia Nooks & Crannies Tour." The tour started at the iconic Fontana... Read More
Umbra Orientation, Summer 2010 Edition

May | 19

Volcanic eruptions had made the weather here in Perugia spotty but the Umbrian sun smiled on the new crowd of Umbra Institute students, whohad their Orientation yesterday in the main room of Perugia's beautiful fourteenth century town hall. Most of... Read More
Perugia Ready For Its New “Temporary Citizens”

May | 12

The Umbra Institute is putting all the chairs in order in the classrooms, preparing for Orientation and the first week of Survival Italian for the new students. The planes landing at Rome's Fiumicino Airport on the 16th of May will... Read More

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