Stop the Presses!

Sep | 28

This past Friday the Italy of the Imagination creative writing class took a trip to Citta' di Castello, a nearby Umbrian city, to see the place where manuscripts become books. Umbra professor Cynthia Clough arranged the visit to the the... Read More
Fall Sets In

Sep | 28

The last week has seen a slow creep towards Autumn in Umbria. Heavier blankets have come down out of the attics, and on the Steps of the cathedral (ever the focal point of Perugia's social life) t-shirts and shorts have... Read More
Tandem Kicks off for Fall 2010!

Sep | 22

Umbra's Italian-American language exchange meetings, known around town as Tandem, kicked off last week with an aperitivo at the Birraio on Wednesday evening. Faculty and staff, as well as visitors from the Penn State University, joined students from Umbra and the... Read More
The Theater!

Sep | 22

This Tuesday evening, Peruginiand Umbra students alike were treated to a breathtaking performance of the classic French opera Carmen. The performance was staged at the historic Pavone Theater on Corso Vannucci in the center of Perugia, and was put on by the Teatro... Read More
Umbra Professor Presents at Oxford

Sep | 22

Alessandro Celani Presents at Oxford September 21-23Umbra Professor Alessandro Celani will be presenting at an international conference to be held at the University of Oxford, September 21-23, 2010.   The focus of the conference, entitled “Rethinking the Gods: Post-Classical Approaches” is... Read More
Art of Wine

Sep | 20

Last Thursday, Umbra students attended a wine tasting at a local enoteca in Perugia. The art of wine production came alive as the expert explained how to pair foods with the wine's acidity, how to read the labels, and how... Read More

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