Umbra Professor Featured On TV Documentary

Jan | 17

Professor William Pettit III was asked to participate in a special on the art of fresco and the Sistine Chapel.   According to its website, in every episode of the History Channel’s program “Museum Secrets,” its troupe “travels to one... Read More
New Umbra Students Arrive

Jan | 09

Though the first fifteen Full Immersion students arrived last Wednesday, and the rest of the over-hundred strong student body members got to Rome's Fiumicino airport on Friday, yesterday was the real beginning of their Umbra experience. The day began with... Read More
Benvenuti a Perugia!

Jan | 05

Despite a slight case of post-holiday rain, Perugia was ready for her new American students. Today almost a hundred and fifty students had their Orientation in the main room of Perugia's beautiful fourteenth century town hall. Each of the staff members... Read More
Sidetrip to Assisi

Dec | 20

Umbra students hailing from St. Bonaventure University, the Center for International Studies, the University of Massachusetts, the University of Scranton, the University of Richmond, and the University of Roanoke were all invited for a daytrip to Assisi this past Sunday.... Read More
Service Learning Projects

Dec | 16

On Tuesday, December 14, members of the Umbra community (students, staff and professors) gathered in the historical Palazzo Sorbello while students from three different classes who have engaged in service learning projects shared their experiences and research. The presentations represent... Read More
Creative Writing Reading

Dec | 15

As part of the end of semester events, last night Umbra's Creative Writing students read their work at Loop Cafe. American and Italian students alike gathered around to listen to their classmates' writings from this semester. Among the readings there... Read More

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