Tim’s Internship at Terre Margaritelli: a fully immersive experience in the Wine Marketing field

Aug | 11

The Umbra Institute offer includes a unique internsip as Marketing and Sales Assistant for one of the most important local organic wineries of the area, Terre Margaritelli. Tim Ringie, one of Umbra's Fall 2021 students, came back for a fully... Read More
Umbra’s Community Urban Garden, Orto Sole, keeps flourishing: Katie’s exceptional contribution

Aug | 09

The Umbra Institute Community Garden Project at Orto Sole keeps flourishing. In particular, one of the Program trainees, Katie Kurtz, provided a priceless and fundamental contribution to the Orto Sole Project, staying with us a bit longer than the rest... Read More
Faculty led programs at Umbra: the Chicago School between community and beauty

Jul | 22

The Chicago School students and their professor PhD Rocco Catrone had some nice adventures exploring Italy and the community-immersive learning experience The Umbra Institute so much stands (and works) for. This Summer Session 2 Semester at Umbra was, in fact,... Read More
Women’s Reproductive Health in Italy: A Short Guide for Study Abroad

Jul | 15

Current events in the United States have led students to ask questions like: how does reproductive health work in Italy? This blog will give you a basic overview of women's healthcare in Italy, highlighting resource access for American study abroad... Read More
Exploring Archaeology in Italy

Jun | 29

Each summer, students opt to explore archaeology in Italy through the Umbra Institute's Summer Archaeology Field School. The program is unique in how it blends in-class learning with field experience and the exploration of sites across Italy.    About the... Read More
Umbra’s Didactic Garden: Local Partnerships Bring Italian students, Umbra’s Interns and Refugees to Orto Sole

Jun | 27

Umbra’s Didactic Garden project is a core element of Umbra's Food, Sustainability and Environment program. The project keeps evolving and involving new partnerships and community actors: Italian students from the local university's Department of Agriculture, refugees and migrants from Tamat, and... Read More

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