Umbra to participate in Joint Research Project with the University of Perugia and the University for Foreigners

May | 17

Umbra students to help with a project that will look at how cultural differences can influence the way we process information.   Umbra to participate in Joint Research Project with the University of Perugia and the University for Foreigners The... Read More
Umbra Professor Presents at Conference

May | 17

Professor Adrian Hoch will be representing the Institute at an upcoming conference in Paris. Academia is sometimes accused of being mainly scholars who only talk to others in their specific discipline.   Umbra Art History professor Adrian Hoch is part... Read More
New Book an Example of Umbra’s Contribution to Perugia

May | 17

A newly-published anthology about Perugia seen through foreigners’ eyes has submissions from a number of Umbra students and professors. With a trip to any local bookstore here in Perugia one can find quotes from famous travellers about Perugia and Umbria. Most... Read More
3-31-2011 Umbra Institute in the Giornale dell’Umbria

May | 17

The Umbra Institute has once again appeared in the Italian news, this time in the regional paper Giornale dell’Umbria. The article, which focuses on the open house that Umbra will be hosting on April 1st to welcome and inform the... Read More
4-12-2011 Umbra Professor Has A New Exhibition

May | 17

Umbra Fine Arts professor William Pettit III will be hosting a joint exhibition. As the bohemian press release states, “Serafino and Bill have known each other for a short period of time. It was a casual meeting, like those that... Read More
4-19-2011 Umbra students participate in an important psychological study.

May | 17

Umbra Institute students have been, for the past several years, subjects in a study undertaken by the University of Perugia and La Sapienza University in Rome. Previous research has demonstrated that Asians tend to process information more holistically than Westerners.... Read More

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