Umbra Independent Research Projects

May | 17

One on one learning with Umbra faculty advisors makes in-depth research while studying abroad possible. (more…) Read More
Not Just “Americani”

May | 17

This semester twenty Italian students enrich the Umbra Institute's already integrated academic environment! (more…) Read More
Umbra Professor interviewed on BBC Scotland

May | 17

Umbra professor gives radio interview regarding his recently published book, Celtic Revolution, "a popular history of Celtic civilization." (more…) Read More
Umbra’s Stacks

May | 17

The Umbra Institute is equipped with its own library--a great resource for students while abroad. It’s rare that a study abroad institution has a library of its own for its students. Most institutions rely on public libraries or the local... Read More
Steve Clemons Speaks at Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation

May | 17

This Tuesday, November 17th the Umbra Institute co-sponsored a public lecture given by Steve Clemons of the New America Foundation on the state of American foreign policy under the Obama administration. The fifth in a series of public lectures sponsored... Read More
Perugia Tapped For New International Film Festival

May | 17

An American media group, an international talent agency, and Perugian officials are collaborating to launch a new film festival here in the Umbrian capital, one especially dedicated to cutting-edge film technology.   Stratus Media Group announced today as part of... Read More

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