Umbra Alumna Now on TV!

Jun | 30

Kylie Bearse, a Spring 2011 Umbra Institute Alumna, just began working for the Local News 8 team in Boulder, Colorado. During her time in Perugia, Kylie took advantage of Umbra's internship program to work closely with the International Journalism Festival,... Read More
Summer Art Show!

Jun | 29

[gallery columns="2"] It’s hard to say what the best part of the art show was: the freshly-painted frescos; the pastel exposition; the photo gallery; or the dance movie, put together by Springfield College’s Cynthia Nazzaro and her Renaissance Dance class.... Read More
Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Some

Jun | 24

In the 1300s an association of doctors set up a dorm in Perugia for orphans. 700 years later the dorm is still there, and the residents decided they wanted a rematch. Two months ago an Umbra Institute soccer team defeated... Read More
Umbra Pizza Workshop!

Jun | 24

It was finally time for Professor Zach Nowak’s now-legendary pizza workshop. He accompanied students to Pizza e musica, where he gave them a quick history of pizza in Italy, beginning with Queen Margherita. Felice, a true neopolitan pizzaiolo, then showed... Read More
Aperitivo 101

Jun | 23

What do the ancient Egyptians, eighteenth-century Italians, and students at the Umbra Institute have in common? They all think that "Appetite comes while eating" (L'appetito viene mangiando). Yesterday Umbra food history professor Zachary Nowak took a group of students to... Read More
Umbra Faculty Present at Rome Conference

Jun | 20

History/Food Studies professor Zachary Nowak and Professor Elgin Eckert delivered papers. (more…) Read More

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