La cena a lume di candela

Jun | 08

Quando si parla dell’Italia non si può che non parlare di cibo e sapori, e questo è anche l’argomento preferito da noi italiani. Mmmm, squisita!!! É l’unico aggettivo che posso usare per descrivere la seconda cena per il gruppo di... Read More
FESTARCH, the Architecture Festival in Perugia!

Jun | 02

From June 2nd until the 5th, there will be full days of activities surrounding the theme of architecture and the relationship between planning and politics. There will be exhibitions in the street, at Teatro Pavone, in multiple rooms of the... Read More
Umbra Faculty Present in Sicily

May | 31

American Association of Teachers of Italian saw a strong contingent of professors from Perugia at its annual meeting. (more…) Read More

May | 25

And the summer students are finally here! With everyone housed safe and sound, groceries put into cupboards and classes started, Perugia’s newest residents are finally beginning to settle into their home for the next six weeks.   Since they’ve already... Read More
Umbra Students Crucial to Study

May | 19

Umbra students have been helping with an intercultural research project for years as both research interns and subjects. (more…) Read More
Students are almost on their way!

May | 18

Here we are again, getting ready to greet another group of students! With the impending arrivals, Umbra staff are doing their usual preparations: making sure the busses are ready to bring students up from Fiumicino, putting the final touches on... Read More

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