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Packing Essentials for your Summer in Perugia

As the summer term approaches, we are happy to share this short packing list with our prospective students to help prepare for the upcoming summer session at the Umbra Institute in Perugia. Here are the key things you should not forget to pack:

1. Appropriate Clothing
The weather in Perugia during the summer can be quite warm, so light, breathable clothing is a must. Pack items such as T-shirts, light dresses, shorts, and comfortable walking sandals for the daytime. Evenings may get cooler, especially if you plan to explore the historic city center or participate in outdoor events, so include a couple of sweaters or a light jacket. A rain jacket can come in handy as well. A pair of sturdy walking shoes is crucial for navigating the city’s cobblestone streets. Additionally, bring at least one formal outfit for special events or dinners.


2. Electrical Adapters and Converters
Italy uses Type F and L electrical outlets, and the standard voltage is 220V. Ensure you pack enough adapters for your electronic devices, and a voltage converter if they don’t support the local voltage. This will keep your phones, tablets, and other gadgets charged and ready to use without interruption.


3. Medications and Health Supplies
If you are on prescription medication, bring a sufficient supply to last your entire stay, along with the prescription itself and a note from your doctor explaining the purpose of the treatment. Prescription medication must be in your carry-on luggage. Pack over-the-counter medication for common ailments such as headaches, allergies, and stomach upsets. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen to protect against the strong Italian sun, and a basic first-aid kit for minor injuries. For more information, please visit this page.


4. Daypack
A durable, lightweight backpack will be invaluable for daily use, whether for carrying books to class, taking essentials on field trips, or shopping in local markets. Choose a backpack that is comfortable to wear and has enough compartments to keep your belongings organized.


5. Sustainable Water Bottle
Invest in a good quality water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day. This is not only a healthier choice but also an environmentally friendly one, reducing the need for single-use plastics. Perugia has many drinking fountains where you can refill your bottle for free.

Preparing these items will help you manage daily life more easily while studying abroad. Remember, the key to a successful and enjoyable experience is to pack smart and to be prepared for a variety of situations. We at the Umbra Institute are eager to welcome you and support you in making this a truly memorable summer.

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